"Sistemske interference in resonance" – poročilo z 11. evropskega kongresa sistemske psihoterapije EFTA
11. evropski kongres sistemske psihoterapije EFTA je potekal od 7. do 10. septembra v Ljubljani, v soorganizaciji Univerze Sigmunda Freuda Dunaj – podružnica Ljubljana (SFU Ljubljana), Teološke fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in Evropskega združenja za družinsko terapijo (EFTA), s podporo Združenja zakonskih in družinskih terapevtov Slovenije (ZDT). Dogodki, seminarji in predavanja so potekali na treh lokacijah in sicer v Cankarjevem domu, na Teološki fakulteti in na SFU Ljubljana. Tekom kongresa se je zvrstilo več kot 55 predavateljev, v program je bilo vključenih več kot 400 prezentacij, kongresa pa se je udeležilo več kot 800 obiskovalcev. Da je dogodek lahko potekal v živo, po daljšem času okrnjenih stikov zadnjih dveh let, je bilo še posebno veliko veselje organizatorjev in udeležencev.
Tematika kongresa
Tematike kongresa, ki je nosil naslov ''Sistemske interference in resonance v (post)pandemičnem obdobju, kontekstu podnebnih sprememb in migracij v Evropi'', so bile družbeno angažirane, poleg tega da so zajemale aktualne vsebine iz psihoterapevtske klinične prakse, teorije in raziskovanja. Predavanja, okrogle mize, delavnice in drugi prispevki so bile razvrščeni v štiri tematska področja: spremembe odnosov, spremembe orodij, praks in postopkov, spremembe zahtev in spremembe konteksta.
Potek kongresa
Otvoritev kongresa je potekala v Cankarjevem domu v sredo, 7. 9. 2022, in sicer sta udeležence naprej z uvodnim nagovorom pozdravila Monica Whyte, predsednica EFTA in mag. Miran Možina, direktor SFU Ljubljana, programski so-vodja kongresa. V nadaljevanju sta udeležence nagovorila še dr. Umberta Telfener (EFTA TIC Board), ki je v času kongresa prevzela predsedstvo EFTE, in prof. Nevena Čalovska (Association of Systemic Therapists).
Tekom prvega popoldneva so se nato v Cankarjevem domu odvila že prva plenarna predavanja, med drugim so nastopili Wilhelm Schmid (University of Erfurt, Nemčija) s predavanjem ''The Art of Living in Times of Crisis'', Lieven Migerode (EFT België vzw, Belgija) s predavanjem ''Couples suffering from couple violence: understanding from within'', Renata Salecl (Ιnstitute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Slovenija) s predavanjem ''Apathy and aggression in times of post-truth'' ter Justine van Lawick (Lorentzhuis, Nizozemska) s predavanjem ''Α polyphonic and embodied dialogue around family violence''.
Posebni gost tega dne je bil tudi ptič Dodo, ki je na kongresu predstavil svojo novo knjigo Dodo se pogovarja - vodnik po psihoterapiji. Šalo na stran – pomembna knjiga avtorjev Tomaža Flajsa in mag. Mirana Možine, je prvi slovenski vodnik po psihoterapiji in je bil na kongresu premierno predstavljen javnosti, kot del koncepta oz. projekta promocije psihoterapije v Sloveniji. V času kongresa EFTA je zaživela tudi nova spletna stran www.dodosvetuje.si, ki je namenjena predvsem bodočim uporabnikom psihoterapije za njeno popularizacijo in destigmatizacijo.
Drugi dan kongresa, v četrtek, 8.9.2022, se je tekom dneva zvrstilo veliko število simpozijev, predavanj, vabljenih dialogov, okroglih miz in delavnic, ki so bile še posebno dobro obiskane.
Na večer drugega dne, se je na Ljubljanskem gradu odvila tudi gala večerja in zabava za udeležence.
V petek 9.9.2022, na tretji dan kongresa, se je zvrstilo še več delavnic, predavanj in okroglih miz. Pomemben dogodek tega dne za slovenski prostor je bila okrogla miza z naslovom Regulativa psihoterapije v Evropi: Kaj se Slovenija lahko nauči od drugih evropskih držav?// Psychotherapy regulation across Europe: What can Slovenia learn from other countries?. Glavni namen okrogle mize je bila izmenjava informacij o trenutnem stanju zakonske ureditve v različnih evropskih državah, ter na podlagi teh izkušenj iskanje poti in pobud za sodobno in kvalitetno normativno ureditev psihoterapije v Sloveniji. Udeleženci okrogle mize so predstavili situacijo v Latviji, Srbiji, Avstriji, Nemčiji, na Poljskem in Sloveniji.
Okrogli mizi je sledila tiskovna konferenca na temo zakonske ureditve področja psihoterapije v Sloveniji, kjer je poleg mag. Mirana Možine, direktorja SFU Ljubljana in člana Delovne skupine za zakon o psihoterapiji pri Slovenski zvezi za psihoterapijo in svetovanje (SZPS) in Urške Kranjc Jakša, članice Delovne skupine za zakon o psihoterapiji pri SZPS, še dr. Gerda Mehta, predstavnica SFU Dunaj in Avstrijskega združenja za sistemsko psihoterapijo. Ogled tiskovne konference je možen na youtube kanalu SFU Ljubljana.
Zadnji dan, v soboto, 10.9.2022, se je poleg ostalega programa, predstavila še lepo število zanimivih plenarnih predavateljev – Edouard Durand s predavanjem ''Who rules in the house?/Qui fait la loi dans la maison?'', Christian Gostečnik (Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija) s predavanjem ''New paradigm in family therapy'', Renos Papadopoulos (Renos Papadopoulos Centre for Trauma, Asylum, and Refugees, University of Essex, Velika Britanija) s predavanjem ''Involuntary dislocation in systemic perspectives'', Celia Falicov (University of California, ZDA) s predavanjem ''Systemic practices with immigrants as complex cultural and sociopolitical encounters'', Maria Borcsa (Institute of Social Medicine, Rehabilitation Sciences and Healthcare Research University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, Nemčija) in Valeria Pomini (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, First Department of Psychiatry, Grčija) s predavanjem ''Virtual relations and systemic therapy: towards a third-order cybernetics''.
Kot zadnji plenarni predavatelj je vsebinsko program konference zaokrožil Günther Schiepek (Institute of Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research of Paracelsus Medical Private University, Nemčija) s predavanjem "From evidence-based practice to practice-based evidence: The complextiy paradigm shift in psychotherapy research and practice" v Cankarjevem domu.
Razglašen je bil še izbor zmagovalnih plakatov (Poster Agora Award) in z lepim aplavzom s strani najbolj vztrajnih poslušalcev, ki so zdržali vse do konca, se je kongres zaključil v dobrem vzdušju.
Ponovna zahvala gre vsem predavateljem, drugim sodelujočim, soorganizatorjem, prostovoljcem in seveda obiskovalcem ter mestu Ljubljana - prav vsem udeleženim skratka - skupaj nam je uspelo izpeljati zares lep in poseben dogodek.
Vtisi so se tekom kongresa zbirali tudi v objektiv fotoaparata, zato vabljeni, da si ogledate galerijo fotografij iz kongresa.
Celoten program kongresa je dostopen na povezavi. V naslednjem letu bo izšla tudi knjiga s prispevki s kongresa pri ugledni založbi Springer, katere urednika bosta Matthias Ochs in Miran Možina.
Avtorja besedila: Jasna Možina, Miran Možina
Avtor fotografij: Dobrin Tavčar
The 11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) was held from the 7th to 10th of September in Ljubljana and was co-organised by the Sigmund Freud University Vienna - Ljubljana Branch (SFU Ljubljana), the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana and the European Association for Family Therapy (EFTA), with the support of the Association of Marriage and Family Therapists of Slovenia (ZDT). The events, seminars and lectures took place in three locations, namely at Cankarjev dom, the Faculty of Theology and at SFU Ljubljana. During the Conference there were more than 55 speakers, more than 400 presentations were included in the programme, and more than 800 visitors attended the Conference. The fact that the event could be held live, after such a long period of limited contact over the last two years, was a particular delight for the organisers and participants.
The concept
The Coference title ''Systemic resonances and interferences in a (post) pandemic, climate change and migration context in Europe'' covered socially engaging topics in addition to covering important issues in psychotherapeutic clinical practice, theory and research. The lectures, roundtables, workshops and other contributions were grouped into four themes: Change of relationships; Change of tools, practices, and procedures; Change of requests; Change of context.
The programme
The opening of the Coference took place at Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana on Wednesday, 7th of September 2022, with an opening address by Monica Whyte, President of EFTA, and Mag. Miran Možina, Director of SFU Ljubljana, programme co-leader of the conference. The participants were further addressed by Dr. Umberta Telfener (EFTA TIC Board), who took over the EFTA presidency during the Conference, and Prof. Nevena Čalovska (Association of Systemic Therapists).
The first keynote speakers presented themselves in Cankarjev dom during the first afternoon and those were Wilhelm Schmid (University of Erfurt, Germany) with his lecture ''The Art of Living in Times of Crisis'', Lieven Migerode (EFT België vzw, Belgium) with his lecture ''Couples suffering from couple violence: understanding from within'', Renata Salecl (Ιnstitute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Slovenia) with ''Apathy and aggression in times of post-truth'' and Justine van Lawick (Lorentzhuis, The Netherlands) with ''Α polyphonic and embodied dialogue around family violence''.
Dodo the bird was also a special guest of the day, presenting his new Slovene book Dodo Talks - A Guide to Psychotherapy. Alll jokes aside - it is an important book by authors Tomaž Flajs and Mag. Miran Možina. It is the first Slovenian guide to psychotherapy and was presented to the public at the conference as part of a bigger projcet with an aim to promote psychotherapy in Slovenia. During the EFTA Conference, a new website www.dodosvetuje.si was also launched, which is intended mainly for future users of psychotherapy to popularise and destigmatise it.
On the second day of the Conference, Thursday 8th of September 2022, there were a large number of symposia, lectures, invited dialogues, round tables and workshops, the latter particularly well attended.
On the evening of the second day, a gala dinner and a party for the participants took place at Ljubljana Castle.
On Friday, 9th of September 2022, the third day of the Conference, there were even more workshops, lectures and round tables. An important event of this day for the Slovenian context was the round table entitled Psychotherapy regulation across Europe: What can Slovenia learn from other countries?. The main purpose of the round table was to exchange information on the current state of regulation in various European countries and, based on this experience, to find ways and initiatives for modern and quality regulation of psychotherapy in Slovenia. The participants of the round table presented the situation in Latvia, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovenia.
The round table was followed by a press conference on the topic of the legal regulation of psychotherapy in Slovenia, where, in addition to Mag. Miran Možina, director of SFU Ljubljana and member of the Working Group for the Law on Psychotherapy at Slovenska zveza za psihoterapijo in svetovanje (SZPS) and Urška Kranjc Jakša, member of the Working Group for the Law on Psychotherapy at SZPS, was joined by Dr. Gerda Mehta, representative of SFU Vienna and the Austrian Association for Systemic Psychotherapy. The press conference is availabe to watch on the SFU Ljubljana YouTube channel.
On the last day, Saturday 10th of September 2022, in addition to the rest of the programme, there was a good number of interesting keynote speakers - Edouard Durand with his lecture ''Who rules in the house?/Qui fait la loi dans la maison?'', Christian Gostečnik (Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) with ''New paradigm in family therapy'', Renos Papadopoulos (Renos Papadopoulos Centre for Trauma, Asylum, and Refugees, University of Essex, UK) with ''Involuntary dislocation in systemic perspectives'', Celia Falicov (University of California, USA) with ''Systemic practices with immigrants as complex cultural and sociopolitical encounters'', Maria Borcsa (Institute of Social Medicine, Rehabilitation Sciences and Healthcare Research University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, Germany) and Valeria Pomini (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, First Department of Psychiatry, Greece) with ''Virtual relations and systemic therapy: Towards a third-order cybernetics''.
As the last keynote speaker, Günther Schiepek (Institute of Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research of Paracelsus Medical Private University, Germany) rounded up the Conference programme with his lecture "From evidence-based practice to practice-based evidence: the complextiy paradigm shift in psychotherapy research and practice" at Cankarjev dom.
The Poster Agora Award was announced and the very end of the Conference programme and the Conference itself ended in a good mood with a nice applause from the most persistent listeners who had stayed until the end.
A big thank you goes to all the speakers, other participants, co-organisers, volunteers, and of course the visitors and the city of Ljubljana - in short, to everyone involved - together we have managed to create a truly beautiful and special event.
Impressions were also gathered in the lens of the camera during the Conference - check out the photo gallery for more.
The full programme of the Conference is available here. A special book with the content material of the Conference will be published next year by the renowned publishing house Springer, edited by Matthias Ochs and Miran Možina.
Report authors: Jasna Možina, Miran Možina
Photos: Dobrin Tavčar