SFU Ljubljana Staff
2009 she became a professor of physical education at Faculty of Sport and completed Propaedeutic in psychotherapy at SFU Ljubljana. She continued studying at the 4-year post-graduate specialization studies in integrative psychotherapy and received the title of certified integrative psychotherapist (IIAP, EAIP, SDP, EAP). 2013 she finished doctoral program in marriage and family therapy, worked in the non-governmental organizations dealing with psychosocial support as a professional program manager six years. Currently is employed at SFU Ljubljana as head of studies and assistant psychotherapeutic science. She also does partner and individual psychotherapy in her private practice.
Her doctors thesis was 'Safe parenting from the perspective of relational and family theory and therapy'. From the year 2014 on she runs a project 'Aid to young families in need', last four years she teaches at the University of Sigmund Freud in Ljubljana and on the School of advanced social studies. From the January 2019, she coordinates the study of psychology on the Sigmund Freud University, Ljubljana.
She is the author of many scientific and professional articles, books (Between two fires, Sensibility to children, Sensible parenting), audio and video recordings, and is an active participant in national and international conferences. With her coworkers she founded the institute »Study and Research Centre for the Family«, where she also works and is the professional leader of it. She is socially active; in 2021 and 2022 she was a member of the Government’s Strategic Council for Social Policy and is a member of the editorial board of KAIROS - Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy.
Expert Associates
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Psychotherapy Science
Teaching Staff
Faculty of Psychology
B.A. in Psychology, M.S. in Psychology of Personality, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Department for Psychology, University of Ljubljana), Psy.D. - Specialization in Clinical Psychology (Medical Faculty, Uni. Lj). Works as clinical psychologist (Psychiatric Hospital Begunje) - individual and group psychotherapy of psychotic, neurotic and borderline patients, psychodiagnostics, team work (consultant), supervisior, mentorship for students of clinical psychology. Is an assistant professor at SFU Ljubljana and Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology Maribor. Works as forensic psychology expert for Slovenian Ministry of justice. Has a private psychotherapeutic practice (psychoanalytic and cognitive psychotherapy).
Doc. dr. Tina Bregant je po diplomi leta 2002 na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani opravljala delo mlade raziskovalke in specializantke pediatrije na Kliničnem oddelku za otroško, mladostniško in razvojno nevrologijo Pediatrične klinike v Ljubljani do leta 2013, ko je nadaljevala delo kot specialistka pediatrije in doktorica znanosti s področja otroške nevrologije. Od leta 2015 je bila zaposlena na Univerzitetnem Rehabilitacijskem Institutu v Ljubljani, kjer je opravila dodatno specializacijo s področja fizikalne in rehabilitacijske medicine. V času epidemije COVID-19 je bila imenovana v posvetovalno skupino vlade za boj proti COVID, od koder je bila nato imenovana na mesto državne sekretarke na Ministrstvu za zdravje in nato vodja kabineta. Trenutno je zaposlena kot pediatrinja in fiziatrinja v zavodu CIRIUS Kamnik. Kot predavateljica in mentorica sodeluje v programih Kognitivne Znanosti, Fakultete za zdravstvo, Medicinske fakultete in Pedagoške fakultete. Sodeluje pri oblikovanju državnih programov, ki spodbujajo otroke v razvoju. V veselje in navdih so ji otroci in njihov razvoj. Verjame, da kdor se ukvarja z otroki, se ukvarja z našo prihodnostjo.
Področje raziskovanja: pediatrija, pediatrična nevrologija, razvojna pediatrija, javno zdravje, otroci in mladostniki.
Petra Brne je zaposlena na Policijski upravi Koper, kot samostojna policijska inšpektorica – psihologinja, kjer zaposlenim nudi psihološka svetovanja, izvaja različne delavnice in predavanja ter sodeluje v kadrovskih in preiskovalnih postopkih. Pred tem je bila zaposlena na probaciji, kjer je delala s storilci kaznivih dejanj. Na UP Famnit kot zunanja izvajalka predava izbirni predmet Forenzična psihologija. Po zaključenem študiju je na italijanski Mednarodni akademiji forenzičnih znanosti opravila specialistično usposabljanje iz forenzične psihologije.
Področje raziskovanja: forenzična psihologija
In 2003 he graduated on the Faculty of Arts of the University in Ljubljana (Department of Psychology) and obtained a degree in psychology. In 2012, the same institution awarded him a PhD title for a dissertation on the relationship between anxiety and mindfulness. In 2013 he obtained the title certified integrative psychotherapist by the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association. In 2016 he was appointed assistant professor of psychotherapy science on the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana where he is involved as teacher and researcher. In addition, he conducts psychotherapy and psychological counseling in his private practice.
Jan Kovačič je organizacijski psiholog, coach in specializant psihoterapvtske smeri transakcijska analiza. Trenutno je doktorski študent na študiju Psihologije osebnosti (univerza v Ljubljani), kjer pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Valentina Bucika raziskuje visoki potencial v organizacijah. Doktorski študij je posledica večletnega ukvarjanja s prepoznavanjem in razvijanjem potencialov, ki se spremenijo v osebnostni in organizacijski kapital na delovnem mestu. Jan leta 2017 ustanovil tim uporabna psihologija, nato pa z letom 2020 ustvaril novo podjetje Uporabna psihologija z namenom, da posameznike opolnomoči s konkretnimi znanji in psihološkimi orodji, s katerimi postajajo bolj zadovoljni, zavzeti in zdravi.
Področje raziskovanja:
- Coaching v delovnih organizacijah
- Visoki potencial in talenti v delovnih organizacijah
Na Pedagoški fakulteti je študirala glasbeno vzgojo in nadaljevala študij defektologije in tudi magistrirala. Na Filozofski fakulteti je doktorirala s temo Model ustvarjalnosti pri delu z nasilnimi učenci. Več let je bila na delovnem mestu učiteljice glasbe in ravnateljice. Trenutno je zaposlena kot izvajalka dodatne strokovne pomoči učencem s posebnimi potrebami in učiteljica glasbe, izvaja pa tudi pouk glasbe v osnovni šoli za odrasle in mladostnike, ki niso zaključili rednega šolanja.
Raziskuje in objavlja zlasti o vlogi ustvarjalnosti in umetnosti pri delu z otroki in mladostniki s posebnimi potrebami.
Her doctors thesis was 'Safe parenting from the perspective of relational and family theory and therapy'. From the year 2014 on she runs a project 'Aid to young families in need', last four years she teaches at the University of Sigmund Freud in Ljubljana and on the School of advanced social studies. From the January 2019, she coordinates the study of psychology on the Sigmund Freud University, Ljubljana.
She is the author of many scientific and professional articles, books (Between two fires, Sensibility to children, Sensible parenting), audio and video recordings, and is an active participant in national and international conferences. With her coworkers she founded the institute »Study and Research Centre for the Family«, where she also works and is the professional leader of it. She is socially active; in 2021 and 2022 she was a member of the Government’s Strategic Council for Social Policy and is a member of the editorial board of KAIROS - Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy.
He is a psychiatrist (M.D., Medical Faculty, University Zagreb) and a systemic psychotherapist (Cybernetic of Psychotherapy, Psychiatry Clinic KBC Zagreb; ECP). He is also a Mater Practitioner of of Neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Since 2009 he has been working in the Counselling Centre for youths and families, since 2008 as Psychiatrist in General Hospital Nasice; 2004–2008 he was a resident of psychiatry in General Hospital Nasice, 2000-2004 he was a Medical doctor in HMP Valpovo.
Masters in Psychology from University of Zagreb, Croatia; PhD in Psychotherapy Science from Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
Work experience: school psychologist and psychologist / psychotherapist in private practice; lecturer at SFU Vienna and Ljubljana since 2019
Research information and publications: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tamara-Prevendar
Klemen Senica je po končanem študiju japonologije in sociologije kulture na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani nadaljeval podiplomski študij na Oddelku za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, kjer je leta 2015 tudi doktoriral. Med novembrom 2019 in oktobrom 2021 je bil podoktorski raziskovalec na Tokijski univerzi. Trenutno je podoktorski raziskovalec na Univerzi Juraja Dobrile v Pulju, kjer primarno izvaja predmete o vzhodnoazijski zgodovini in kulturi ter antropologiji Japonske. Na SFU predava Teorijo kulture in Historično antropologijo.
Lilijana Šprah je diplomirala je na Oddelku za psihologijo FF UL in doktorirala iz področja nevropsihofarmakologije na MF UL. Je predstojnica DMI ZRC SAZU, kjer se raziskovalno udejstvuje na področju pismenosti o duševnem zdravju, prepoznavanja in obvladovanja poklicnega stresa ter njegovih negativnih izidov, razvoja orodij za ocenjevanje osebnostnih, nevropsiholoških in kliničnih značilnosti oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju ter evalvacijske metodologije na področju značilnosti, dostopnosti, razpoložljivosti in uporabe služb na področju duševnega zdravja. Je avtorica preko 450 člankov/del (čez 70 znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov ter 30 monografskih in drugih zaključenih del). Redno sodeluje na nacionalnih in mednarodnih raziskovalnih projektih in kongresih predvsem na področju klinične psihologije, medicinske psihologije in psihiatrije.
Področje raziskovanja: duševno zdravje, zdravstvena pismenost, psihosocialna tveganja, nasilje v družinah, motnje razpoloženja, osebnostne motnje, komorbidnosti, ranljive skupine
Klaudija Šterman Ivančič je diplomirala na Oddelku za pedagogiko in andragogiko in doktorirala na Oddelku za psihologijo Univerze v Ljubljani, smer Aplikativne psihološke študije. Kot raziskovalka, zaposlena na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani, se že vrsto let ukvarja s področjem pedagoške psihologije in analizo podatkov mednarodnih primerjav znanja s področja bralne, matematične in naravoslovne pismenosti. Od leta 2017 je tudi nacionalna koordinatorica mednarodne raziskave PISA. Je avtorica številnih znanstvenih člankov, poglavij v monografijah in soavtorica monografij Dejavniki bralne pismenosti v raziskavi PISA 2009 in Motivacijski dejavniki v izobraževanju
Faculty of Psychotherapy Science
1965-71 studies at Faculty of Theology (University of Ljubljana). 1973-76 post graduated studies of Pastoral Psychology (University of Innsbruck, Mag. scie). 1978-82 studies at Faculty of Psychology, University of Innsbruck, Qualifying Course of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, in »Innsbrucker Kreis für Psychoanalyse«. 1989-92 specialization in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of medicine (University of Ljubljana). 1986-1997 continuation of Psychoanalytical education and diploma in »Grazer Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalyse« in 2004. Since 2002 is a educational therapist, supervisor and Psychotherapy teacher in Slovenian umbrella organization for Psychotherapy, from 2013 at SFU Ljubljana. The main point: Theorie of psychoanalysis.
I studied Pharmacy and became a Master of Pharmacy. I was working in company Schering-Plough. I started to study psychotherapy in 2013 I started with Doctoral program. I started to work with clients as specialist of psychoanalysis. In 2013 I received the Practitioner certificate from ECPP and Certificate as training analyst and as supervisor. In 2013 I was leading SFU clinic. From 2014 I give lectures of Psychopharmacology. In last five years I have actively cooperated with several societies: leading workshops and giving lectures. I was educating for a psychoanalytical group therapist in Institute for group psychoanalysis Ljubljana.
Born in Maribor. Undergraduate (1990), master's (1994) and doctoral studies of Psychology (1998) has passed on the FF-UL. Employment way: Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), A. Trstenjak Institute; Society "Project Man"; Institute for Addiction; Institute Soca; current job position: UP-FAMNIT and ZBPS. Education in foreign countries including 6-years training in bonding psychotherapy in CEIS in Rome (at 2000 - BP Fellow; at 2014 Teaching Fellow). As a psychotherapist he is working in Koper and Ljubljana (for persons with emotional and relational problems, addicts etc).
Dr. Dražen A. Šumiga, prof. fil. in soc. (Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta), certificirani integrativni psihoterapevt in učni terapevt (Evropsko in slovensko združenje za integrativno psihoterapijo (EAIP/SINTA)). V svoji zasebni psihoterapevtski praksi izvaja individualno, skupinsko in partnersko psihoterapevtsko delo. Podoktorsko raziskovalno delo je opravil na Erich Fromm Inštitutu v Nemčiji. Njegovo raziskovalno področje je psihoanaliza (Erich Fromm), eksistencializem, fenomenologija ter relacijska psihoterapija. Udeležuje se domačih in mednarodnih konferenc ter objavlja članke v znanstvenih in strokovnih časopisih.
Področje raziskovanja: psihoanaliza (Erich Fromm), eksistencializem, fenomenologija ter relacijska psihoterapija
Dr. Tit Albreht, M.D. (1961), Slovenian, Ph.D. in Health Services Research at the University of Amsterdam, Head of the Centre for Health Care at the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia, senior researcher in the field of health services research and health systems research, member of the Scientific Committee of EUPHA, president of the Slovenian Preventive Medicine Society, member of the Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Slovenia. He is an Associate Professor of Public Health at the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana, Slovenia and teaching public health and epidemiology at the Medical Faculty of Maribor, at the University of Primorska and at the SFU.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2005-2010; program: Philosophy; major in theoretical psychoanalysis, title of the thesis: Meaning of free associations for psychoanalysis and its development: Einfall as an element of Freudian epistemology. Thesis grade: summa cum laude (10).
Slovenian Institute for Psychotherapy Propedeutics from Psychotherapy (now Sigmund Freud Private University Ljubljana): propaedeutic & psychoanalytic modality study.
SFU Vienna (Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna), Doctoral studies in progress.
B.A. in Psychology, M.S. in Psychology of Personality, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Department for Psychology, University of Ljubljana), Psy.D. - Specialization in Clinical Psychology (Medical Faculty, Uni. Lj). Works as clinical psychologist (Psychiatric Hospital Begunje) - individual and group psychotherapy of psychotic, neurotic and borderline patients, psychodiagnostics, team work (consultant), supervisior, mentorship for students of clinical psychology. Is an assistant professor at SFU Ljubljana and Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology Maribor. Works as forensic psychology expert for Slovenian Ministry of justice. Has a private psychotherapeutic practice (psychoanalytic and cognitive psychotherapy).
In 2003 he graduated on the Faculty of Arts of the University in Ljubljana (Department of Psychology) and obtained a degree in psychology. In 2012, the same institution awarded him a PhD title for a dissertation on the relationship between anxiety and mindfulness. In 2013 he obtained the title certified integrative psychotherapist by the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association. In 2016 he was appointed assistant professor of psychotherapy science on the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana where he is involved as teacher and researcher. In addition, he conducts psychotherapy and psychological counseling in his private practice.
Po zaključenem študiju politologije je leta 2013 prejela naziv certificirane integrativne psihoterapevtke (IIAP, EAIP), kasneje pa še SDP in ECP. Leta 2021 je doktorirala na področju Zakonske in družinske terapije, v doktorski disertaciji je raziskovala spolno promiskuiteto pri mladostnikih. Od leta 2010 dela v zasebni praksi, izvaja individualno in partnersko terapijo ter vodi skupine za posameznike, ki ozaveščajo povezavo med psihološkimi dejavniki ter odvečno telesno težo. Večino svojega delovnega obdobja je sodelovala tudi z zasebno psihiatrično ambulanto. Od leta 2017 sodeluje s SFU kot supervizorka.
Področje raziskovanja: spolna promiskuiteta (dr. disertacija), partnerski odnosi (diplomsko delo ter članek), psihološko ozadje povišane telesne teže
Je geštalt psihoterapevt z Evropsko diplomo iz psihoterapije, ki jo podeljuje Evropska zveza za psihoterapijo (EAP) in redni član Evropske zveze za geštalt terapijo (EAGT), kjer ima status supervizorja. Iz geštalt psihoterapije je diplomiral na britanskem inštitutu GPTI in je nosilec certifikata strokovnosti inštituta GATLA iz Los Angelesa. Je direktor inštituta GITA, kjer deluje kot edukator in supervizor. Bil je predsednik Slovenske krovne zveze za psihoterapijo SKZP in Slovenskega društva za geštalt terapijo SLOGES. Zdaj je predsednik Odbora za človekove pravice in družbeno odgovornost pri EAGT. Je soavtor knjige 'Dodo se pogovarja; vodnik po psihoterapiji'.
She holds a PhD in Social Pedagogy, has completed 4 year training programme in Systemic Psychotherapy, is an Assistant Professor of Health Promotion (Faculty of Health Care Jesenice) and Assistant Teaching Professor of Social Pedagogy (Faculty of Education). Works at the National Institute of Public Health as a Public Health Expert. Is a National Coordinator of Health Behaviour in School- Aged Children (HBSC) study, teaches at Faculty of Education, the Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care Jesenice and SFU Ljubljana. Had directed and participated in various research projects. Has published more than 40 scientific articles and is a first author/co-author of scientific and professional monographs.
Works at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, and at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana. His practice includes 10 years’ work at a rehabilitation unit, 13 years’ work with children and youth with behaviour and other problems, and 20 years’ experience in psychotherapy with individuals, couples and families. After graduation, he received education for a psychotherapist: 4 years in Psychotherapy Cybernetics (Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry) and 4 years in Systemic Family Therapy (Verein zur Förderung der Familientherapie und –beratung e.V.). He has an ECP (EAP) diploma in psychotherapy.
A psychologist, psychotherapist, lecturer and researcher, has a PhD in clinical psychology (Uni. Lj). She was a researcher and teacher at Faculty of Social Work (Uni. Lj), now at SFU and institutes for psychotherapy. She is the author of several scientific articles, worked in the field of voluntary work with children and adolescents. She leads a private psychotherapy practice where she works with individuals, couples, families, groups. She combines knowledge of developmental, psychoanalytic, attachment and system theory and family systemic psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, EMDR, group dynamics, creative and body-centered approaches, NLP, integrative gestalt therapy, yoga and meditation.
Magistrirala je iz sociologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Kmalu za tem je vpisala študij Propedevtike na SFU Ljubljana, obenem pa se vključila v osebno 3-letno učno izkušnjo psihodinamske psihoterapije. Nadaljevala je s 3-letnim specialističnim podiplomskim študijem, istočasno pa opravljala asistenco v drugi psihoterapevtski skupini. Dolgo let je delovala kot ustanoviteljica in vodja nevladne org., danes Zavod MEPI, kjer se je ukvarjala z razvojem in izobraževanjem mentorjev mednarodnega preventivnega programa za mlade, programa MEPI. V zasebni praksi izvaja individualno in skupinsko psihoterapijo, občasno tudi delavnice terapevtskega pisanja. Je tudi ena izmed predavateljic na Inštitutu za psihodinamsko psihoterapijo.
Diplomirala je na AG UL, pridobila naziv spec. akad. prof. glasbenica flavtistka. Od leta 1999 je kot solo-flavtistka zaposlena v simfoničnem orkestru RTV Simfoniki. Med leti 2006-2009 je študirala psihoterapijo na SFU Dunaj in SIP, kjer je pridobila diplomo iz propedevtike. Leta 2015 je zaključila študij na Inštitutu IPSA in pridobila mednarodno diplomo iz integrativne psihoterapije pri IIPA in EAIP z mednarodnim zaključnim izpitom v Bilbau ter pridobila naziv Integrativna psihoterapevtka. Od leta 2009 je članica SINTA. Leta 2017 je doktorirala iz Zakonske in družinske terapije. V zasebni praksi izvaja individualno in partnersko terapijo, učno terapijo ter supervizijo. V svoje delo vključuje znanja iz integrativne geštalt terapije, zakonske in družinske terapije, delo s kreativnimi mediji in na telo usmerjen pristop.
Melita Mihajlović Košak je univerzitetna diplomirana psihologinja, učiteljica čuječnosti, certificirana transakcijsko-analitična psihoterapevtka (EATA) ter začasna učiteljica in supervizorka (PTSTA-P). Dela v zasebni psihoterapevtski praksi, kjer izvaja psihoterapijo in supervizijo. V okviru Bangor University, Velika Britanija, se je izobraževala iz Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Na Inštitutu za integrativno psihoterapijo in svetovanje, Ljubljana vodi na čuječnost usmerjene programe: program Celostnega obvladovanja stresa in Napredni trening za učitelje čuječnosti.
Leta 2003 je vstopil v izobraževanje iz skupinske analize in v lasten terapevtski proces. Leta 2006 je pričel dodiplomski študij psihoterapije na SFU Dunaj, ga leta 2009 zaključil z diplomo iz psihoterapevtskih znanosti, leta 2013 doktoriral in pridobil naziv doktor psihoterapevtskih znanosti. Leta 2010 je pridobil naziv psihoanalitičnega psihoterapevta (prva specializacija). V proces treninga za psihoanalitika po standardih IPA je vstopil leta 2010 (druga specializacija). Leta 2017 je, kot član HPsD (člana IPA) postal psihoanalitik IPA. Leta 2016 je postal član SDPP (član EFPP), leta 2019 pa učni terapevt in supervizor pri omenjenem društvu. Je v izobraževanju Evropskega psihoanalitičnega inštituta (člana IPA) za psihoanalitika otrok in mladostnikov.
Področje raziskovanja: Izvajam individulano psihoterapijo, psihoanalizo, skupinsko in partnersko terapijo. Sem psihoanalitik (IPA), psihoterapevt, predavatelj, supervizor in učni terapevt pri Slovenskem društvu za psihoanalitično psihoterapijo in aktivni član Hrvaškega psihoanalitičnega društva. Sem član mednarodne psihoanalitične “peer” skupine Sophia.
Ukvarjam se tudi z vodenjem in organizacijo skupin, ter svetovanjem sistemom, podjetjem in organizacijam.
Na Pedagoški fakulteti je študirala glasbeno vzgojo in nadaljevala študij defektologije in tudi magistrirala. Na Filozofski fakulteti je doktorirala s temo Model ustvarjalnosti pri delu z nasilnimi učenci. Več let je bila na delovnem mestu učiteljice glasbe in ravnateljice. Trenutno je zaposlena kot izvajalka dodatne strokovne pomoči učencem s posebnimi potrebami in učiteljica glasbe, izvaja pa tudi pouk glasbe v osnovni šoli za odrasle in mladostnike, ki niso zaključili rednega šolanja.
Raziskuje in objavlja zlasti o vlogi ustvarjalnosti in umetnosti pri delu z otroki in mladostniki s posebnimi potrebami.
Her doctors thesis was 'Safe parenting from the perspective of relational and family theory and therapy'. From the year 2014 on she runs a project 'Aid to young families in need', last four years she teaches at the University of Sigmund Freud in Ljubljana and on the School of advanced social studies. From the January 2019, she coordinates the study of psychology on the Sigmund Freud University, Ljubljana.
She is the author of many scientific and professional articles, books (Between two fires, Sensibility to children, Sensible parenting), audio and video recordings, and is an active participant in national and international conferences. With her coworkers she founded the institute »Study and Research Centre for the Family«, where she also works and is the professional leader of it. She is socially active; in 2021 and 2022 she was a member of the Government’s Strategic Council for Social Policy and is a member of the editorial board of KAIROS - Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy.
He is a psychiatrist (M.D., Medical Faculty, University Zagreb) and a systemic psychotherapist (Cybernetic of Psychotherapy, Psychiatry Clinic KBC Zagreb; ECP). He is also a Mater Practitioner of of Neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Since 2009 he has been working in the Counselling Centre for youths and families, since 2008 as Psychiatrist in General Hospital Nasice; 2004–2008 he was a resident of psychiatry in General Hospital Nasice, 2000-2004 he was a Medical doctor in HMP Valpovo.
2009 she became a professor of physical education at Faculty of Sport and completed Propaedeutic in psychotherapy at SFU Ljubljana. She continued studying at the 4-year post-graduate specialization studies in integrative psychotherapy and received the title of certified integrative psychotherapist (IIAP, EAIP, SDP, EAP). 2013 she finished doctoral program in marriage and family therapy, worked in the non-governmental organizations dealing with psychosocial support as a professional program manager six years. Currently is employed at SFU Ljubljana as head of studies and assistant psychotherapeutic science. She also does partner and individual psychotherapy in her private practice.
Faculty of Arts, Psychology; Medical Faculty LJ, general medicine; neuropsychiatry. 1987 head of Department of Forensic and Social Psychiatry, Psychiatric Clinic LJ; 1987-1989 study of forensic psychiatry, Medical Faculty ZG; 1988- 1991 Transactional Analysis training; 1988- leadership of Balint groups; 1989- legal expert in Psychiatry; 1992 Psychotherapist title, Slovene Medical Society; 1992-1997 course in Group Analysis, Institute of Group Analysis, London; 1998- cofounder, vice president of the Slovenian Society for Group Analysis; Cofounder, vice president of the Slovenian Association of Forensic Experts in Psychiatry; 2002- independant practise; 2014/15- Psychiatry course at SFU LJ