Academic study programmes
SFU Ljubljana offers two academic study programmes (following Bologna Reform):
The Sigmund Freud University was the first to introduce a university education in psychotherapy where academic and practical aspects work hand in hand and complement each other.
The psychology programme at the Sigmund Freud Unviersity also considers cultural sciences and thus offers an alternative to the prevailing approach towards psychology as belonging exclusively to the natural sciences.
Part of the study at the primary level are also the so-called ‘’tutor groups’’. These groups allow individualization of studying, as they increase the opportunities for students in small groups to express themselves - to hear and be heard in their learning process. In these groups the students can also reflect on the theoretical knowledge, evaluate the study process, seek support of their peers and their tutors, etc.
In the third year at the bachelor level students choose one of the psychotherapeutic modalities as specialization. SFU Ljubljana offers the following modalities: psychoanalytic psychotherapy, systemic psychotherapy, gestalt psychotherapy, analytical psychology, psychotherapy of children and adolescents. The students can also hypothetically choose an external modality offered by other institutes under the condition the SFU approves the equivalence of the external study programme.
Self awareness (learning therapy, personal growth, work on oneself) in which students try the psychotherapeutic methods on themselves. This form of work is a unique feature of the study process of psychotherapy. It means that the future psychotherapist must accept the same process of working on oneself as their patients will.
An important part of the study programme is the practical training, which is implemented in several forms:
- Internships in facilities of the health or social system in the psychosocial field that provides the population with psycho-social services. For this form of clinical placement, students receive supervision in the form of meetings in small groups.
- Psychotherapeutic training under supervision – the students work in the facility of the health or social system that provides the population with psychotherapeutic services and later in their independent practice. The students perform psychotherapy sessions initially in the Outpatient Clinic of SFU Ljubljana. Their work is under the regular supervision of the supervisors of the chosen psychotherapeutic modality.
- During the psychiatric internship students are introduced to the psychiatric treatment of patients within different age groups and different diagnostic issues. They also learn a network of different profiles of employees involved in the treatment of psychiatric patients.
The psychotherapists at the Outpatient Clinic are experienced experts who represent many different psychotherapeutic modalities. The students have a unique possibility to start working with patients in the framework of the Outpatient Clinic and thus gain critical practical experience. They perform psychotherapy under the regular mentorship of supervisors and in an interdisciplinary environment.
Within the Sigmund Freud University the networking between its international branches is encouraged. There is the possibility of study exchanges for students and visits of international lecturers from the the international branches of the Sigmund Freud University.
- Engaged teaching, individualized approach and study support.
- Working and learning in small groups.
- Under the expert mentorship of the professional staff SFU enables student’s early involvement in research projects.
- In tutoring groups the students solve problems during their studies, present new ideas, evaluate, socialize and learn to listen to different opinions and each other.
- In the study programme, theory and practice are interconnected in the context of learning moderation techniques, leadership and team dynamics, etc.
- In addition to basic knowledge of psychology, the study also includes self-awareness exercises.
- The students have a possibility of student exchanges and meeting guest lecturers from the international branches of the Sigmund Freud University.
SFU Ljubljana lahko priznava znanja, usposobljenosti in kompetence, ki so bile pridobljene pred vpisom v program. Te morajo po vsebini in zahtevnosti v celoti ali deloma ustrezati splošnim oziroma predmetno specifičnim kompetencam, ki jih določa posamezni študijski program.
Vloge za preverjanje znanja in spretnosti, pridobljenih pred vpisom v program, obravnava Komisija za študijske in študentske zadeve, skladno s postopki in pravili za priznavanje izpitov.
1) Če je bilo znanje pridobljeno v formalnih vseživljenjskih oblikah izobraževanja, kandidati/ke to znanje izkazujejo s spričevali in drugimi listinami (»netipična spričevala«, portfolio, listine o končanem delu študijskega programa, tečajih in drugih oblikah izobraževanja). Iz teh listin mora biti jasno razvidna vsebina teh izobraževalnih programov in obseg vloženega dela študenta, ki se lahko ovrednoti s kreditnimi točkami.
2) Če je kandidat/ka znanje pridobil z izkustvenim učenjem, mu ga lahko SFU Ljubljana prizna na temelju preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja. Preverjanje organizira SFU Ljubljana.
3) SFU Ljubljana lahko delno ali v celoti prizna posamezne predmete na osnovi pred vpisom opravljenih izpitov na drugem visokošolskem zavodu.