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dr. Andreja Poljanec

univ. dipl. psih, spec. zakonske in družinske terapije, supervizorka


Andreja Poljanec

Dr. Andreja Poljanec, univ. dipl. psihologinja, zakonska in družinska terapevtka, predavateljica in vodja študijskega programa Psihologije na Univerzi Sigmunda Freuda Dunaj – podružnica Ljubljana, predava pa tudi na Fakulteti za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici. Poleg terapevtskega dela s posamezniki, pari in družinami, ter supervizorskega spremljanja strokovnih delavcev, izvaja delavnice, predavanja in vodi različne skupine. Je avtorica številnih slovenskih in tudi mednarodnih prispevkov, med drugim knjig Rahločutnost do otrok, Rahločutno starševstvo, Med dvema ognjema, …. Pri raziskovanju in v praksi pozornost posveča predvsem varnim in dostojanstvenim odnosom v različnih sistemih in kako v njih ustvarjati kvalitetno življenje in razvoj. Je soustanoviteljica Študijsko-raziskovalnega centra za družino. Vrsto let je razvijala in vodila programe za pomoč otrokom, mladostnikom in njihovim družinam pod finančnim okriljem MDDSZ ter vodila različne projekte, financirane s strani Evropskih socialnih skladov, Ministrstva za izobraževanje idr. Je družbeno aktivna; v letih 2021/2022 je bila tudi članica Strateškega sveta vlade za socialno politiko. Je glavna urednica znanstvene revije Kairos. V odnosih, kjer je prisoten čustveni stik in se razvija empatija, je življenje fizično in psihično bolj zadovoljujoče in zdravo.

prof. dr. Alfred Pritz, gostujoči predavatelj
prof. dr. Alfred Pritz,
gerhard benetka
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Benetka,
Dean Faculty of Psychology, Chairman Academic Senate
jutta fiegl
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jutta Fiegl,
Vice-Rector, Dean Faculty of Psychotherapy Science
Miran Možina
mag. Miran Možina, MSc, M.D., psychiatrist, systemic psychotherapist, educational therapist, supervisor
Director of SFU Ljubljana
dr. Andreja Poljanec
dr. Andreja Poljanec, univ. dipl. psih, spec. marital and family therapist, supervisor
Head of Bachelor Psychology study programme, Assistant professor

Her doctors thesis was 'Safe parenting from the perspective of relational and family theory and therapy'. From the year 2014 on she runs a project 'Aid to young families in need', last four years she teaches at the University of Sigmund Freud in Ljubljana and on the School of advanced social studies.  From the January 2019, she coordinates the study of psychology on the Sigmund Freud University, Ljubljana.

She is the author of many scientific and professional articles, books (Between two fires, Sensibility to children, Sensible parenting), audio and video recordings, and is an active participant in national and international conferences. With her coworkers she founded the institute »Study and Research Centre for the Family«, where she also works and is the professional leader of it. She is socially active; in 2021 and 2022 she was a member of the Government’s Strategic Council for Social Policy and is a member of the editorial board of KAIROS - Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy.

Anja Štrukelj Kozina
doc. dr. Anja Štrukelj Kozina, prof. of physical education, intergative psychotherapist, educational therapist, supervisor
Head of Master Psychotherapy Science and other pschotherapy study programmes, manager of SFU Ljubljana team

2009 she became a professor of physical education at Faculty of Sport and completed Propaedeutic in psychotherapy at SFU Ljubljana. She continued studying at the 4-year post-graduate specialization studies in integrative psychotherapy and received the title of certified integrative psychotherapist (IIAP, EAIP, SDP, EAP). 2013 she finished doctoral program in marriage and family therapy, worked in the non-governmental organizations dealing with psychosocial support as a professional program manager six years. Currently is employed at SFU Ljubljana as head of studies and assistant psychotherapeutic science. She also does partner and individual psychotherapy in her private practice.